z - ترجمة إلى فرنسي
قاموس على الإنترنت

z - ترجمة إلى فرنسي

Z; Geschwänztes Z; Geschwänztes z; Tailed z; Geschwaenztes Z; Geschwaenztes z; Geschwanztes z; Geschwanztes Z; Z (letter); 𝓩; Z with tail; Long-tailed z; ASCII 90; ASCII 122; \x5A; U+005A; U+007A; Letter Z; Zett; Tailed Z
  • Phoenician Zayin
  • Zayin
  • Proto-Sinaitic Zayin
  • 20px

n. z, 26th letter of the alphabet; variable (Mathematics)
Chromosome Z      
n. z chromosome
n. lisping, speaking with a lisp, pronouncing the sounds "S" and "Z" as "TH"


·- Z, the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal Consonant. It is taken from the Latin letter Z, which came from the Greek alphabet, this having it from a Semitic source. The ultimate origin is probably Egyptian. Etymologically, it is most closely related to s, y, and j; as in glass, glaze; ·Eng. yoke, ·Gr./·Lat. yugum; ·Eng. zealous, jealous. ·see Guide to Pronunciation, // 273, 274.



Z (or z) is the 26th and last letter of the Latin alphabet, as used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its usual names in English are zed () and zee (), with an occasional archaic variant izzard ().

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. Z.
Downloaded _ Alex Winter _ Talks at Google
2. z goes into z squared, plus c.
3. and z.
Make Money Not Stress _ Ryan Harris _ Talks at Google
4. For Russell's enunciation, that's F-I-Z-Z.
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5. Z. I honestly do.
Legendary Children _ Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. J. Z.: Il faut avoir d‘autres projets d‘agglomération.
2. J‘adore mon costume, le z';bre magique avec des ailes.
3. Le réalisateur de Z devra manśuvrer en formation réduite.
4. Drôles de Z';bres Lausanne: rue du Simplon 1 bis.
5. Linda Baud a eu une courte aventure avec André Z.